The police in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, claim to have solved a shocking murder case that has sent waves through the community. A nurse, who was reported missing on July 30th, was found dead in a case that mirrors a recent crime in Kolkata. The police have arrested the accused from Rajasthan, who confessed to robbing, raping, and killing the woman.
On July 31st, the nurse’s sister filed a missing person report after she did not return home from work. Eight days later, on August 8th, the nurse’s body was discovered in a decomposed state in the bushes near Vasundhara Enclave in Bilaspur, Uttar Pradesh. The post-mortem confirmed that the woman was sexually assaulted and strangled to death.
SSP Udham Singh Nagar, Manjunath TC said, “We found the suspect, Dharmendra, and his wife Khushboo, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, and brought them to Rudrapur for questioning. Dharmendra admitted to the crime, stating that he had seen the woman alone on the road to Vasundhara Colony. He dragged her into the bushes, attempted to assault her, and when she resisted, he smashed her head on the ground, raped her, and then strangled her with her scarf.”
The police investigation, which included tracking the victim’s mobile and reviewing CCTV footage, led to Dharmendra’s arrest. After the murder, Dharmendra fled with the victim’s mobile phone and ₹30,000.
However, the victim’s family has rejected the police’s claims, calling the investigation a “fake revelation.”
The victim’s sister said, “The police’s story doesn’t add up. My sister’s body couldn’t have decomposed into a skeleton in just eight days. We believe some chemical was used on her body, possibly by someone with medical knowledge. We demand a CBI investigation.”
The victim’s father and brother echoed her concerns, questioning the police’s narrative and demanding justice for the young nurse.
Adding to the pressure on the police, Meena Sharma, the Senior Vice President of the State Women’s Congress, led a protest at the SSP’s office, demanding a CBI probe. She said, “We will not rest until justice is served, and the culprit is sentenced to death.”
The Congress Women’s Committee also submitted a memorandum to SP City Manoj Katyal, who assured them of full cooperation and urged women to use the Gaura Shakti app for safety.